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Smitten Kelowna Plays Beautiful Lake Front Wedding Party

Saturday, July 19, 2014 Smitten! was asked to play for a private party at a beautiful home down on the lake by Cedar Creek Winery. The evening was beautiful with winds coming in from the lake and a gorgeous sunset. Our music was the focal point of the evening to celebrate the wedding of MaryJo and Stafford which had been held in Italy some weeks earlier.

Smitten July 19.JPG

Gourmet tappas were made by one of the Okanagan's top chefs and we selected 90 minutes of love songs to provide the right ambiance for the evening. As the guests mingled and enjoyed the gourmet food, we sang songs ranging from classic jazz standards like Summertime and Bewitched to Billy Joel's Just The Way You Are and The Rose.

When the speeches and toasts were made, Kim recited a Shakespeare love sonnet as well as the famous love poem "How Do I Love Thee, Let Me Count The Ways"as Jim softly played guitar. Then, we dedicated the John Legend song "All of Me" to the happy couple as they embraced and danced. It was a very special evening full of love and music!

The next day, we received two wonderful messages - one from the bride and one from the party host, both thanking us for making their evening so very special and saying that our love for each other made the love songs we were singing so much more meaningful.

To quote one of the emails we received:

"Thanks to you both, Kim and Jim, What beautiful joy and love you infused into our gathering last night. Thanks for making it so very special and meaningful - yourselves, the poetry, your voices. From one joyful couple to another".

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